Put aside items that cannot be placed into the trash or put out for bulk pickup, and bring them to the annual FREE Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Collection event and they will be recycled or disposed of properly without harming the environment. Simply pull up and drop off your items.
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) refers to used or leftover contents of consumer products that contain chemicals with one of the four characteristics: Toxic, Ignitable, Corrosive, or Reactive as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency.
What items are being accepted? Oil and latex paints and thinners, used motor oil, auto fluids and gasoline solvents, pesticides, fertilizers, pool chemicals, drain cleaners, tires, mercury, fire extinguishers, rechargeable & automobile batteries and electronics such as computers and televisions will be accepted.
The collection event is open to Weston residents and residents of participating cities; must bring proof of residency. For a full list of cities visit, https://www.broward.org/WasteAndRecycling/WasteDisposal/Pages/HouseholdHazardousWaste.aspx
For more information, please call the Public Works Services Center at 954-385-2600 or visit WestonFL.org/HHW